Understand the Whole Vehicle Intelligence of Xiaomi Cars in One Article

Understand the Whole Vehicle Intelligence of Xiaomi Cars in One Article

Xiaomi entered the smartphone market in 2010 and has since become one of the top three mobile phone companies globally, as well as the largest consumer-grade AIoT platform. It has accumulated a very comprehensive set of technological capabilities in areas such as operating systems, artificial intelligence, and robotics, all of which will gradually be applied to the automotive industry.


Intelligent driving + intelligent cockpit + ecosystem will become the technological high ground for Xiaomi's automotive competition. Xiaomi's "all-in-one human-vehicle-home ecosystem" unprecedentedly connects all smart terminals together, enabling seamless interconnection and capability collaboration, allowing everyone to experience an omnipresent intelligent lifestyle.


1. **Xiaomi Pilot**: Xiaomi has announced its ambition for intelligent driving technology, aiming to become an industry leader by 2024. Xiaomi has established a research and development team of over 1000 people and set up an autonomous driving research and development center in Wuhan. Xiaomi's intelligent driving technology includes a full-stack self-developed technical architecture, internationally recognized advanced algorithms, and has achieved the first mass production of end-to-end large model technology in China. The Xiaomi Pilot system is divided into two plans, Xiaomi Pilot Pro and Xiaomi Pilot Max, both based on the same technical plan, supporting intelligent assisted driving functions.

1. **小米智驾Xiaomi Pilot**:小米宣布了其智能驾驶技术的雄心,目标是在2024年成为行业领先者。小米已经建立了一个超过1000人的研发团队,并在武汉设立了自动驾驶研发中心。小米的智能驾驶技术包括全栈自研技术架构,具有国际认可的先进算法,并实现了端到端大模型技术在国内的首次量产。小米智驾系统分为Xiaomi Pilot Pro和Xiaomi Pilot Max两套方案,都基于同一技术方案,支持智能辅助驾驶功能。

2. **Xiaomi Surge Intelligent Cockpit**: The Xiaomi SU7 model comes standard with the 8295 flagship chip platform and Xiaomi Surge OS, providing a smooth interactive experience. The article emphasizes Xiaomi's investment in interactive design and how it improves the intuitiveness and ease of use of the car control process through 3D car models and animations. The flexible framework capability of Xiaomi Surge OS allows users to customize the interface layout to achieve a personalized interactive experience.

2. **小米澎湃智能座舱**:小米SU7车型标配了8295旗舰芯片平台和小米澎湃OS,提供了流畅的交互体验。文章强调了小米在交互设计上的投入,以及如何通过3D车模和动画提高控车过程的直观性和易用性。小米澎湃OS的柔性框架能力允许用户自定义界面布局,实现个性化的交互体验。

3. **Cross-End Intelligent Connection**: Xiaomi's intelligent cockpit design considers the integration of smartphones and tablets, achieving a native design of multi-end integration. Through the Xiaomi HyperConnect cross-end connection framework, the owner's smartphone or tablet can be seamlessly connected to the vehicle's central control screen, achieving cross-device control. In addition, Xiaomi's Surge intelligent cockpit also supports the use of Xiaomi Pad as a rear expansion screen, achieving control and information synchronization of the entire vehicle's functions.

3. **跨端智联**:小米的智能座舱设计考虑了手机和平板的整合,实现了多端一体化的原生设计。通过Xiaomi HyperConnect跨端互联框架,车主的手机或平板可以与车辆中控屏无感连接,实现跨设备互控。此外,小米澎湃智能座舱还支持将Xiaomi Pad作为后排拓展屏,实现全车功能的控制和信息同步。

4. **"Little Love Student" with Large Model Support on Board**: Little Love Student is Xiaomi's intelligent voice assistant, which has been serving for 7 years and has a large user base. By accessing large model technology, Little Love Student has achieved significant capability enhancement in voice interaction, including advanced functions such as continuous dialogue and offline dialogue. Xiaomi's self-developed "MiLM-1.3B" end-side large model will be applied for the first time in the SU7 model, enhancing the naturalness and understanding ability of voice interaction.

4. **大模型加持的「小爱同学」上车**:小爱同学是小米的智能语音助手,已经服务了7年,拥有庞大的用户基础。通过接入大模型技术,小爱同学在语音交互方面实现了显著的能力提升,包括连续对话、离线对话等高级功能。小米自研的「MiLM-1.3B」端侧大模型将首次应用于SU7车型,提升了语音交互的自然度和理解能力。

In summary, this article demonstrates Xiaomi's comprehensive technical layout in the field of smart electric vehicles, as well as its innovation and application in intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, cross-end intelligent connection, and intelligent voice assistant.
