Li Bin introduces NIO's automotive technology:Unscrupulously innovative,setting the global ceiling.

Li Bin introduces NIO's automotive technology:Unscrupulously innovative,setting the global ceiling.

This article reports on the second Future Auto Pioneer Conference held from June 1 to 2, 2024, where Li Bin, the founder, chairman, and CEO of NIO, highly praised the technical capabilities of NIO. Here is a summary of the main content of the article:

1. **Li Bin's Evaluation**: Li Bin used the phrases "crazy" and "global ceiling" to describe the technical strength of NIO, emphasizing that technology is the foundation of NIO, not just service.

2. **R&D Investment**: Li Bin revealed that NIO has R&D teams in six countries and more than a dozen cities worldwide, and invested 10.8 billion yuan in 2022, and 13.4 billion yuan in R&D last year (the article does not specify the exact year, it might be 2023). Although the proportion of R&D investment has decreased with the increase of the company's revenue, the absolute amount has not decreased.

3. **Self-developed Chip**: Li Bin specifically introduced NIO's self-developed Shengyuan 5-nanometer chip, claiming that its performance in transform-class algorithms is 6.5 times that of the current world's strongest chip.

4. **Computing Power Display**: Li Bin proudly stated that NIO is very outstanding in computing power, with the current vehicle computing power reaching 1016T, and he expects that this will still be the global ceiling in the next one or two years.

5. **R&D Layout Map**: Li Bin also displayed a smart electric vehicle R&D layout map on-site, to illustrate the depth and breadth of NIO in self-developed technology, this map covers the entire R&D process from underlying technology to application technology.